Ascend Router
Upgrade the firmware and a couple of new options will appear under the "Ethernet/Mod Config" menu:
Reply DirectedBcast Ping
Forward Directed Bcast
Setting both these options to 'No' will fix the problem.
Thanks to Clive Austin & Eric Stanfield for having written to us about it.
Cisco Router
conf t
int e0
no ip redirects
no ip mroute-cache
no ip unreachables
no ip directed-broadcast
int s0
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip directed-broadcast
Copy this, and paste it into your router config.
I would highly suggest doing this from console, and not a telnet session.
Some cisco devices have other ways of addressing interfaces.
For example, a 3620 with 1 serial and 3 ethernet ports, the "int" commands would look something like...
int e0/0
int e1/0
int e1/1
int s0/0
By egami (2001)
And don't forget's a good white paper about smurf amps...